Winter is perfect for sailing!
Cold season is perfect time to start a new hobby or maybe just try something totally different - windsurfing is a lot easier than in Summer! You do not need to drift in waves or spend hours fallind and dragging the sail up - focus is on the main thing, learning how to feel the sail. Gliding on ice or snow is both exciting and calming.
TalviSurf.fi is providing info bout the sport, equipment, events, opportunities to rent and try and naturally plenty of nice photos and videos. We are also a company that serves both private customers and larger groups in organised events. If needed, we can also rent our equipment or advise if you are looking to buy your own. We pass the information and bring interested people together. Our own start of hobby was not as easy, but now we have chance to share what we have learned in the most pleasant way.
See you on the ice!
Feodor Gurvits FIN-413
Esa Harjula FIN-424
Teaching and rental

There is no need to own everything - we share our equipment and experience!

There are two main types: ski sleds and skate sleds. Due to the lift from the sail ski sled works very well even on deep snow.
It feels better than it looks like, but in case you are stuck in front of your screen, there is no wind outside or ice is missing...
About us
We are a small company developing this sport. We do it aside of our ordinary jobs, with passion and skill. We do not try to make big numbers and huge sails, more happy people gliding along snow and ice are more important for us! Most of the time we are in Helsinki area, but racing and events take us to several countries and locations during the season. As a company we focus on high quality customer service and helping new people to join the sport.
LY 2295591-6